Becker & Poliakoff

Bulk Telecommunications Contracts

Bulk Telecommunications Contracts

Before discussing specific issues with Bulk Telecommunications Agreements, it is worth noting that the various community association statutes provide for the authority of associations to enter into bulk communication agreements. Specifically, Section 718.115(1)(d), Florida Statutes, specifically authorizes a Condominium Association to enter into a bulk contract for “communication services,” which would include video, internet and telephone service. Further, the Condominium Act goes on to provide the cost of such bulk contract is a proper common expense of the association. Chapter 720 contains similar language in Section 720.309(2), Florida Statutes, and the Cooperative Act, Chapter 719, contains similar language in Section 719.107(2)(b), Florida Statutes. In addition to the statutory provisions concerning the association’s authority to enter into bulk communication agreements, the association should also review its governing documents to determine if they address the issue.