Becker & Poliakoff

Court Grants Petition for Writ of Certiorari in Favor of Becker Client

Court Grants Petition for Writ of Certiorari in Favor of Becker Client

In a significant legal victory, Palm Beach County’s Circuit Court granted the petition for writ of certiorari, in favor of Ocean’s Edge at Seawinds Property Owners Association, Inc. (“Seawinds”), represented by Becker.

The case centered around the City of Riviera Beach’s conditional approval of an application for five variances submitted by Integra Real Estate, LLC. led by Becker Senior Attorney Lisa Reves, the legal team argued against the development proposal, citing various deficiencies in the application process and failure to comply with municipal ordinances.

The Court ruled that Integra, as the non-record title owner of the property, failed to meet the requirements for the authorized applicant as outlined in the City’s Code of Ordinances. Furthermore, the City’s approval of the variances, including a density variance, was deemed to be in violation of its own regulations, constituting a departure from essential requirements of law.

Ms. Reves, Esq. said, “We are pleased with the Court’s ruling, which affirms our commitment to protecting the interests of our clients and communities. The rarity of a granted writ of certiorari underscores the importance of thorough legal representation in development matters.”

Becker routinely represents our clients before planning and zoning boards. If you are an association or a property owner unsure about a neighboring development, it’s important to consult counsel. For more information about Becker’s services, click here.