With numerous deadlines approaching following the collapse of Champlain Tower South in Surfside, Donna DiMaggio Berger, Shareholder and Community Association Practice attorney sat down with CBS12 News Investigative Team to discuss what condo owners should be doing to prepare.
Safety is paramount for those living along the water, but one thing the bill didn’t take into account is how the new laws did not seem to consider the heavy workload put on qualified structural engineers who then also need to do the critical inspections and monitor any repairs if there are problems found. Donna said, “As we sit here today, the pool of people available to undertake these inspections is pretty narrow, and then if there are problems found, the pool gets even narrower.”
Donna DiMaggio Berger is one of only 190 attorneys in the state of Florida who is a Board Certified Specialist in Condominium and Planned Development Law. She is the executive director of the Community Association Leadership Lobby (CALL) and the host of Take It To The Board – We Speak Condo & HOA podcast. She has led various community association advocacy initiatives, working with legislators and other public policymakers on behalf of those who live, serve, and work in common interest ownership communities, and has testified before the Florida Legislature regarding community association law. To learn more about Donna, please click here.
Watch the full story here.