Becker & Poliakoff

Manager’s Minute, 2016, October

Manager’s Minute, 2016, October

Welcome to this issue of Manager’s Minute! Can you believe we are in the home stretch of the end of the year? Boy, did this year fly by. Lots of action in the community association field as well – important court rulings, HUD guidance on using criminal background checks to deny applicants and residents creating hostile environments for other residents, federal court ruling on disparate impact of otherwise neutral policies. Traversing this minefield of state and federal law as well as administrative rulings and guidance is not a walk you want to take alone – make sure your Boards are aware of all the legal pitfalls out there for the unwary association, and remind them not to be penny wise and pound foolish by not relying on their attorney for advice in
these matters.

You may also want to remind your Board of the Florida Supreme Court Florida Bar Advisory Opinion regarding the unlicensed practice of law and what a manager can and cannot do. Remember, it is your license on the line.

We are here to help you navigate your way with your association’s legal issues. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.