Becker & Poliakoff

SPOTLIGHT: David Blattner, Manager

SPOTLIGHT: David Blattner, Manager

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David Blattner



What is your favorite Florida neighborhood? Why?

East Ft. Lauderdale. Love the urban vibe and the beaches.

What do you like best about living in Florida?

  • The Beaches
  • Spectacular Weather (mostly)
  • Art & Music Scene
  • Sports Sports Sports
  • FOOD!
  • The people and the diversity

What is your favorite company/business/organization in town or nearby? Why? 

I appreciate the philanthropy of the Huizenga family and Autonation and the Moran family and JM Family Enterprises (Southeast Toyota).

Where are you from?

I grew up in Hollywood. I was born in Chicago, but we moved here when I was 3, so I consider myself a “native”.

What is your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?

I am a swimmer. I started swimming competitively when I was 4 at the Hall of Fame Pool in Ft. Lauderdale and “retired” when I graduated college. I still train with a local masters team whose home pool is the Hall of Fame (set to reopen next summer). I also like to ski.

Where is your favorite place to eat?

Joe’s Stone Crab.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? 

I wish I took my piano lessons more seriously when I was a kid. Can’t play at all today.

What your TOP FIVE favorite movies – in no particular order?

  1. The original Star Wars Trilogy
  2. Rocky
  3. Goldfinger
  4. Apollo 13

What are your TOP FIVE favorite bands/artists/podcasts to listen to?

  1. Jimmy Buffett. I am a life long Parrothead.
  2. Tie – Fleetwood Mac and The Eagles.
  3. Jazz greats, Ahmad Jamal, Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Thelonious Monk.
  4. Motown – Diana Ross (with and without the Supremes), Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye.
  5. Bruce Springsteen and Steely Dan.

What book are you currently enjoying and would you recommend it? 

I like thrillers. Favorite author is David Baldacci and I try to read everything he writes.

What is the most surprising real estate question/issue you have heard or handled? What was your solution?

I have had many difficult and funny closings over the years. One of the funniest I have had was an “island” in the Caloosahatchee River. It wasn’t so much an island as a sandbar. It was impossible to get title insurance because it was considered “bay bottom” and navigable waters. I tried desperately to convince the client not to buy the island, but he wanted it for a snack bar for boaters.

What advice do you have for anyone looking to buy or sell right now? 

  • A good real estate agent can help you with all the details of a residential purchase or sale. He/she can keep you on the right track.
  • You need an attorney to handle the contract and legal issues.

What are some current trends/issues in the real estate world you find interesting?

Interest rates remain low, home prices continue climb. In theory, this should allow people to get more house for their money, but inventory has stayed low that movement isn’t happening as quickly as it should.

What is a myth about real estate?

That closings are easy.

The post SPOTLIGHT: David Blattner, Manager first appeared on Becker Title.