Becker & Poliakoff

Becker’s Washington Weekly: Week of December 13, 2021

Becker’s Washington Weekly: Week of December 13, 2021

Finishing 2021’s To-Do List

Lawmakers in both houses will vote to raise the debt limit past the 2022 midterms, just as Treasury Secretary Yellen warned the U.S. could breach its current limit and default as soon as this week. Senate Republicans backed a one-time bill to suspend the filibuster’s 60-vote hurdle to fast-track extending the debt limit. Now, with a simple majority, Democrats in the Senate will be able to extend the debt limit.

Once the debt limit is extended, Senate Democrats will be able to consider the Build Back Better Act—the $1.75 trillion social spending reconciliation package. Whether or not a vote will come before Christmas as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has proposed is yet to be seen—the Senate has much to consider under this legislation.

The Senate will also consider a compromise defense authorization bill from the House after negotiations had previously stalled.

The Senate will conduct numerous hearings this week:

  • The Senate Judiciary Committee will discuss combating gun trafficking and reducing gun violence in Chicago. It will also consider the impact of consolidation and monopoly power on American innovation.
  • The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee will discuss oversight of the U.S. airline industry.

Becker’s Federal Lobbying Team will continue to monitor these developments as they evolve and will share with you as soon as information becomes available.